Thursday 5 March 2009

Task 1: Genre and Concept

My idea is to make an animation comedy clip that is about a foreign man called Boris, who finding life in the UK confusing. The 3D part of the animation will either be the background or the opening sequence of the clip. The clip will be aimed at teenagers but will also be suitable for adults; the clip might offend some viewers.


The clip will be called simply ‘Boris’, it will be a short comedy clip about the life of Boris and will show him adapting his way into the culture we have here. The key line or trademark saying will be “Boris will help”, Boris is a nice person he just has unorthodox ways of dealing with problems.

Boris will help
this line acts like Boris’s catchphrase and is followed by an action of him doing something to “help” the situation, even though he has made it worse and doesn’t realize. Are you feeling down? Ah! Boris will help.

Boris will be an animated clip done in the same style as other cartoons like Family Guy, The Simpsons or South Park.

Boris is a former Corleone mafia member, after realising his dream he travels to the UK. Boris will have famous landmarks in the UK within the animation, such as; Big Ben, Millennium Wheel and the 02 Dome.


The genre of this animated clip is ‘Comedy’ similar to much loved shows like Family Guy and The Simpson, meaning this clip is for a mature audience with a sense of humour. Boris wont have any major violent scenes in it or any sex scenes but will contain some swear words. The type of comedy will resemble a slapstick type.
The back story of Boris is that he was a former gang member in ‘The Godfather’ movie and was part of the Corleone family. He chose to move from Italy to the UK to find the “American Dream” even though he is far from America.

The clips will be each different episode that Boris goes through; they will be shown on viral video web pages such as ‘YouTube’ and ‘Veoh’.

BORAT: Boris was born from the comedy style of Sacha Baron Cohen, where Borat tries to adapt his lifestyle into the American way of living. Borat was successful because of embarrassment one would feel if you were in his shoes. Boris works the way in that he is trying to adapt his lifestyle to ours; the only major difference is the setting and the fact that Boris is animated and is for a slightly younger audience.

Bugsy Malone: Bugsy Malone was kind of a spoof to gangster crime film such as The Godfather. Boris will always be telling stories of back home when he was in the Corleone family.
Bugsy Malone was aimed at a young audience and was a major hit because they got a cast of kids playing adults. In Boris I am hoping to put some students in there, I originally came up with the idea that Boris will be a college student.


The animation will be cell shaded and the characters will also be cell shaded, the opening and ending text will be done in 3D. Since the animation and characters will be done in flash, it gives Boris a real cartoon-like feel to it.
I imagine that Boris will look like a cross between:
BORAT and Niko Bellic from GTA 4

The animation itself will resemble Legendary Frog Animations; flash makes the animation seem very cartoon like and is also comedy spoof on other films. This Clip was done in Flash by Legendary Frog, its an animated spoof of The Matrix film. The animation looks humorous and adds to the overall comedy effect.

Music: Ending The instrumental to this will be used as an ending to the clip.
Beginning The weird and wonderful sound of this track goes perfectly with the comedy of the clip.


Opening: the opening of Boris will be 3D; it will show Boris’s animated head traveling through different UK famous landscapes. The buildings, streets and landscapes will be done in 3D and perfectly resemble the real landmarks. Boris will be move through these buildings and landscape which are only seen for no more then a second. Only Boris’s animated head will be seen moving through the city.


This also acts as a connotation that Boris and Boris’s lifestyle is different from his surroundings. The music in the background will be MF Doom’s Nettle Leaves beat.

Animation: the animation will be a short comedy clip with a script; it will act like a base for more comedy Boris episodes. There are a variety of ideas for the actual comedy clip, showing people the storyboards of different ideas will act as research to determine the final comic design. Alternatively I cud take five of the best ideas and merge them into one episode by only taking the “funny bits” of each storyboard.


This was taken from an advert for ‘Rayman Raving Rabbids’ game, the trailer shows the same ‘rabbid’ doing the same rabbid shout but in different parts of his life but in one clip. The alternative Boris idea will be very similar to this as it goes from one quick comedy sketch to another.

Credits/Ending: the end will be a credit roll on a blue back ground and white text. The ending of the song ‘Basket Case by DangerDoom’ will be used as the credit roll on.

Completed Boris Look

This is the updated and new look of my Boris Character. His Eyebrows, mouth and eye all move in order to show various emotions.

<---- Shocked/Surprised

As planned, Boris looks like a cross between Borat and Rupert the bear (in clothing) this gives the animation a silly yet cute feel to it.

The Clothing on Boris looks like the clothing on Rupert the bear with a "chavy" outlook.

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